Sunday, January 6, 2013

Garlic for eradicating acne

So lately I've been seeing a few people with acne problems or just plain bad skin and not everyone has the kind of money to go for laser treatment... So here is something cheap and affordable.

The horrible acne will quickly disappear thanks to the magic of garlic cloves.

Originating from Asia, however, until now, garlic is used in many parts of the world and is considered an indispensable spice to make a delicious dish. The studies show that garlic works well upon health. Besides, thanks to antibacterial, it also makes swollen pimples smaller. In addition, garlic can also be combined with other natural ingredients to make a nourishing mask to the skin.
Antiseptic properties of garlic are good for your sensitive skin
Antiseptic properties of garlic are good for your sensitive skin.

1. Garlic eradicates blackheads.
2 cloves of crushed garlic.
1 tablespoon of oats
3 drops of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey
Mix all into a mixture, then apply the mixture over the face in thin layers.
Allow the face to stand about 2 minutes massage gently to exfoliate the skin.
Then rinse with warm water. Use this mask 3 times per week to reduce blackheads.
2. Garlic cleans pores.
1 crushed medium tomato
1 clove of crushed garlic
These two components have excellent antiseptics to relieve congestion on the skin. After mixing the components, apply a thin layer over the face for 20 minutes and rinse it with warm water in order to expand the pores.
Garlic is applied to treat acne and blackheads
Garlic is applied to treat acne and blackheads.
3. Garlic eradicates acne.
This method is simple, just select a large clove of garlic, sliced ​​and then use it to rub on the skin of acne. Antiseptic properties of garlic will help to relieve redness of acne within 1 day.


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