Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Clean your Beauty Regime





Cleansing is a vital part of any skincare routine and often the most overlooked. It is the first step to getting a radiant, healthy complexion as proper cleansing rids the skin of excess oil, dirt and make-up, re-balances the skin and prepares the skin for the absorption of other products.
Tip: Always “double cleanse” your face at night; first to remove your make-up and then again to clean the skin.


Another important factor in maintaining a youthful, vibrant skin is moisturizer. For a revived complexion choose products that will address your main skincare concerns such as dullness, fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin texture or dryness. Add a serum to your routine for an extra moisture boost as these generally absorb faster and penetrate deeper than most creams or lotions.
Tip: Keep in mind that the extra moisturizing cream that got you through the chilly winter months may be too rich for the warmer season, so try switching to a lighter formulation for spring.
And don’t forget about that gorgeous body that you have been hiding beneath layers of clothing all winter. Elbows, knees, heels and toes can suffer after a season spent in jerseys, tights and boots.
Tip: Choose products that contain vitamin C which stimulates collagen production, protects against free-radicals and promotes an overall healthy and vibrant complexion.


Now is the perfect time to renew your complexion by removing the layers of dead skin that have built up over winter, and stripped your skin of its shine. Exfoliating regularly helps to get rid of the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing your moisturizer to penetrate deep enough to rehydrate the skin, leaving it looking brighter and softer.
Tip: If you have a very sensitive skin, opt for a gentle exfoliating mask instead of a scrub.
The best way to start repairing the skin and prepare for the beautiful weather ahead is to treat yourself to an exfoliation and moisturizing treatment such as the DMK Enzyme Therapy Treatment. This is perfect for removing damaged skin cells. It tightens, tones and firms the skin, leaving it looking fresher and younger. And while you're there don’t forget to ask for a Danne Medi-Pedi that will leave your feet smooth, soft and supple, ready for some sexy summer sandals.
Remember that protecting your skin from the sun is the final and most important step in rejuvenating your skin and preparing it for the hot summer months to come. Using a cream with a suitable SPF daily is still the best way to delay the signs of aging.

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